3 March 2005 PARS Board Meeting Minutes


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Meeting Minutes










The board met at the International House Of Pancakes, with 3 members, Don Hickman WF7Z, Charles Beckmeier W7CEB, and Doug Bell KD7KKR.

Don needed to get a speaker for the next general meeting. Don had called Ron Verschuyl K7AAE but he won't be available.

Charles suggested calling ? Tenaka? of Kirkland ARES, who works at Microsoft and may know someone from the MicroHams who would be interested in giving a presentation.

The next time we change locations for one of the meetings, we need to send the address in an email message to everyone.

Charles had a new Yaesu dual band HT, with 1000 memories, both Motorola tones and BCS digital codes.

Charles' XYL called; we ordered dinner.

We talked about Charles' HT.

Charles asked who would be going to the Mike & Key ARC swap meet in two weeks. Doug realized he'd be in Portland that weekend, so would miss the swap meet.

Doug talked about the conflict between the Portland FIRST regional and the Mike & Key ARC swap meet, both last year and this year.

Charles and Don talked about the advantages and disadvantages of retiring early.

Charles' XYL joined us for dinner.

Charles needed to collect dues. Doug had payed his dues at the last meeting. Dues are still $15.

Charles planned to go to the Mike & Key ARC swap meet.

Respectfully Submitted -
Doug Bell, KD7KKR
PARS Secretary